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#2 Why build with Shipping containers?

February 5, 2019

“Why use shipping containers?” We hear you say. There are easier ways to build!

Yes, maybe…however we have learned a lot about containers in our research and we believe the limitations that people refer to when building with them can all be turned into positives with good design & engineering.

Our Top 10 reasons for using Shipping Containers to build accommodation…

  1. Customised – our containers are brand new and built specifically to our design and NZ Building Standards. They are not used containers cut up to our specifications.
  2. Warm – We use sprayfoam insulation which adheres to the inside container wall, this eliminates any condensation problem and provides fantastic insulation. The cabin is also utilises double glazed windows.
  3. Appearance – Through clever design our cabins will look smart, modern, yet simple and stylish, making them more than just a container conversion.
  4. Resource consent – We want to make this part easy for you and we know what it takes to get our structures consented. (Our goal is to get our system Codemarked, this will eliminate the need for a building consent for everything but the footings and connections to reticulated services.)
  5. Modularity – using standard sizing & minimising parts enables us to create different configurations that suit your needs.
  6. Sustainability – using customised containers means we virtually have no on-site waste. Where we are cutting things to size offsite, we are doing this at scale, with optimised dimensions and minimal waste.
  7. Cost effective – Agreed pricing, less onsite labour time & minimal maintenance costs.
  8. Structural integrity & durability – These steel boxes can handle the roughest seas and highest winds, perfect for New Zealands’ ever changing weather conditions!
  9. Transportable – Our prefabricated cabins arrive delivered to your site on the back of a truck, so can go almost anywhere you choose.
  10. Shorter construction times – Once your cabins arrive onsite it should take a qualified builder (LBP) only a couple of weeks to connect it together.

So there are just a few reasons why we have chosen to use shipping containers!

Our Voyager Cabins utilise ISO-certified, 20ft, marine-grade containers, customised specifically for use as a Voyager Cabin. Read our next blog to see how we stitch it all together.

If you are keen see how things progress visit us on facebook or Instagram.

If you are curious as to whether a Voyager Cabin could work for you get in touch!

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